A Note to Parents and Caregivers
As a speech therapist, it’s important to me to help young children build confidence as they learn to speak. That’s why I strategically chose the vocabulary in this book to emphasize simple word structures and early developing sounds (m, b, p, t, d, k, g, y, w, n, h.)that are more attainable for early talkers. For example, a word such as “bow” is easier for a young child to say versus a more complex word like “elephant.” Below are some tips for using this book to encourage your child’s language development over the years:
AGES 0-2: At this age, begin by simply naming the vocabulary words out loud and encouraging your child to point to them (“show me banana”). As their speech begins to develop, encourage them to repeat the vocabulary words out loud and imitate the associated sound words (“quack quack,” “munch munch,” etc.). Give praise for any attempts they make and don’t worry about perfect articulation at this age. Simply give praise and affirmation using the correct pronunciation (Child: “bubu”... Caregiver: “very good! You said bubble!”).
AGES 2-3 : Encourage your child’s continued language development by having them point to or name different colors in the book. You may also encourage them to point to and name pictures using two-word combinations (red apple, big whale, etc.).
AGES 4+: Work on expanding language concepts with your older child by asking category or function questions such as “show me all of the animals” or “what do you do with bubbles?”
Grab a paintbrush and 'paint along' with chipmunk to keep your kids engaged!
- Tabitha Paige